NerfAcc Documentation =================================== NerfAcc is a PyTorch Nerf acceleration toolbox for both training and inference. It focus on efficient sampling in the volumetric rendering pipeline of radiance fields, which is universal and plug-and-play for most of the NeRFs. With minimal modifications to the existing codebases, Nerfacc provides significant speedups in training various recent NeRF papers. **And it is pure Python interface with flexible APIs!** | .. image:: _static/images/teaser.jpg :align: center | | Github: | Paper: | Authors: `Ruilong Li`_, `Hang Gao`_, `Matthew Tancik`_, `Angjoo Kanazawa`_ .. note:: Though this repo only contains examples for single scene optimization, we believe generalizable NeRFs across multiple scenes can also be accelerate with our :class:`nerfacc.PropNetEstimator`. Examples will be added soon. Installation: ------------- **Dependence**: Please install `Pytorch`_ first. The easist way is to install from PyPI. In this way it will build the CUDA code **on the first run** (JIT). .. code-block:: console $ pip install nerfacc Or install from source. In this way it will build the CUDA code during installation. .. code-block:: console $ pip install git+ We also provide pre-built wheels covering major combinations of Pytorch + CUDA versions. See our `Github README`_ for what we support. .. code-block:: console // e.g. torch 1.13.0 + CUDA 11.7 $ pip install nerfacc -f Usage: ------------- The idea of NerfAcc is to perform efficient volumetric sampling with a computationally cheap estimator to discover surfaces. So NerfAcc can work with any user-defined radiance field. To plug the NerfAcc rendering pipeline into your code and enjoy the acceleration, you only need to define two functions with your radience field. - `sigma_fn`: Compute density at each sample. It will be used by the estimator (e.g., :class:`nerfacc.OccGridEstimator`, :class:`nerfacc.PropNetEstimator`) to discover surfaces. - `rgb_sigma_fn`: Compute color and density at each sample. It will be used by :func:`nerfacc.rendering` to conduct differentiable volumetric rendering. This function will receive gradients to update your radiance field. An simple example is like this: .. code-block:: python import torch from torch import Tensor import nerfacc radiance_field = ... # network: a NeRF model rays_o: Tensor = ... # ray origins. (n_rays, 3) rays_d: Tensor = ... # ray normalized directions. (n_rays, 3) optimizer = ... # optimizer estimator = nerfacc.OccGridEstimator(...) def sigma_fn( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends:Tensor, ray_indices: Tensor ) -> Tensor: """ Define how to query density for the estimator.""" t_origins = rays_o[ray_indices] # (n_samples, 3) t_dirs = rays_d[ray_indices] # (n_samples, 3) positions = t_origins + t_dirs * (t_starts + t_ends)[:, None] / 2.0 sigmas = radiance_field.query_density(positions) return sigmas # (n_samples,) def rgb_sigma_fn( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, ray_indices: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Query rgb and density values from a user-defined radiance field. """ t_origins = rays_o[ray_indices] # (n_samples, 3) t_dirs = rays_d[ray_indices] # (n_samples, 3) positions = t_origins + t_dirs * (t_starts + t_ends)[:, None] / 2.0 rgbs, sigmas = radiance_field(positions, condition=t_dirs) return rgbs, sigmas # (n_samples, 3), (n_samples,) # Efficient Raymarching: # ray_indices: (n_samples,). t_starts: (n_samples,). t_ends: (n_samples,). ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = estimator.sampling( rays_o, rays_d, sigma_fn=sigma_fn, near_plane=0.2, far_plane=1.0, early_stop_eps=1e-4, alpha_thre=1e-2, ) # Differentiable Volumetric Rendering. # colors: (n_rays, 3). opaicity: (n_rays, 1). depth: (n_rays, 1). color, opacity, depth, extras = nerfacc.rendering( t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices, n_rays=rays_o.shape[0], rgb_sigma_fn=rgb_sigma_fn ) # Optimize: Both the network and rays will receive gradients optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.mse_loss(color, color_gt) loss.backward() optimizer.step() Links: ------------- .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Methodology methodology/* .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Python API apis/* .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Example Usages and Benchmarks examples/* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Projects nerfstudio sdfstudio instant-nsr-pl .. _`vanilla Nerf`: .. _`Instant-NGP Nerf`: .. _`D-Nerf`: .. _`MipNerf360`: .. _`pixel-Nerf`: .. _`Nerf++`: .. _`Ruilong Li`: .. _`Hang Gao`: .. _`Matthew Tancik`: .. _`Angjoo Kanazawa`: .. _`Github README`: .. _`PyTorch`: